Yes, words matter. How you say, when you say them, to whom you say matters. But do keywords matter more than words? do databases matter more than customers? Website traffic matter more than visitor satisfaction?
In today’s digital world, Search engine optimization and pageranks are fast becoming a technique – an algorithm to be cracked, a puzzle to be solved. But is it true? What is Marketing afterall?
Marketing is no rocket science. It is plain simple common sense (not so common for the same reason?). You can pick up cues to marketing from day to day life. Think about yourself. Do you like to buy something from a specific shop because the owner of the shop is an warm person? Do you like a movie because it had catchy dialogs? Do you enjoy a party when you happen to meet someone with whom you can have a good conversation? Do you get moved when your old school teacher remembers everything about you even after so many years? do you like a junior because he just knows what you need, talks less but sense? Do you like to buy from a pushy salesman who comes to your doorsteps or a shop where you can browse yourself and pick up your own stuff at your pace – even though the shop is four blocks away? do you like a swimming coach who tells you how well you are progressing or the one who keeps shouting at you for not following an instruction?
You got all your answers.
Marketing is all about engaging your visitors. It is not about information, it is about how you put it. In these fast paced times, everyone says that they do not have time to read texts. Yet people buy books, read blogs, check websites. They say you should write less in your marketing communication. I disagree. You should write “interesting”. Even though your visitors do not have time, they will wait a lilttle longer and read a paragraph more if they like what you have written, it is matters to them, if it is useful to them, if it answers a key question for them. Be it the website, the marketing newsletter, event email or advertisement.
It has to be interesting – so go play with your words, make it catchy and entertaining. It has to be personal – address people by their first names, remember their preferences, send them only what they like only after their permission.
It has to make sense – so don’t write unnecessarily about yourself. It has to be about them and not you. Just think about them and write what will matter to them.
Make it look beautiful – Though we may not admit every time, nobody likes plain. And remember, beautiful does not mean cluttered and busy. It means pleasant and easy.
It has to be light – We all have our own share of problems and tensions in our lives. We can always do with a lighter note, a pitch that tickles than pricks.
And last but not least – always respect your audience. In a try to make yourself look taller, we forget that we are in a way trying to make our customers look smaller. A customer will run to you if you make him/her feel great with you. Nobody likes to feel inadequate and helpless, even though we all may be exactly that in reality.
If you have interested visitors, you will have more website traffic, better pageranks and a good flow of leads who will believe you can surely help them. You are the warm, listening, understanding friend they have been talking to after all.
In today’s digital world, Search engine optimization and pageranks are fast becoming a technique – an algorithm to be cracked, a puzzle to be solved. But is it true? What is Marketing afterall?
Marketing is no rocket science. It is plain simple common sense (not so common for the same reason?). You can pick up cues to marketing from day to day life. Think about yourself. Do you like to buy something from a specific shop because the owner of the shop is an warm person? Do you like a movie because it had catchy dialogs? Do you enjoy a party when you happen to meet someone with whom you can have a good conversation? Do you get moved when your old school teacher remembers everything about you even after so many years? do you like a junior because he just knows what you need, talks less but sense? Do you like to buy from a pushy salesman who comes to your doorsteps or a shop where you can browse yourself and pick up your own stuff at your pace – even though the shop is four blocks away? do you like a swimming coach who tells you how well you are progressing or the one who keeps shouting at you for not following an instruction?
You got all your answers.
Marketing is all about engaging your visitors. It is not about information, it is about how you put it. In these fast paced times, everyone says that they do not have time to read texts. Yet people buy books, read blogs, check websites. They say you should write less in your marketing communication. I disagree. You should write “interesting”. Even though your visitors do not have time, they will wait a lilttle longer and read a paragraph more if they like what you have written, it is matters to them, if it is useful to them, if it answers a key question for them. Be it the website, the marketing newsletter, event email or advertisement.
It has to be interesting – so go play with your words, make it catchy and entertaining. It has to be personal – address people by their first names, remember their preferences, send them only what they like only after their permission.
It has to make sense – so don’t write unnecessarily about yourself. It has to be about them and not you. Just think about them and write what will matter to them.
Make it look beautiful – Though we may not admit every time, nobody likes plain. And remember, beautiful does not mean cluttered and busy. It means pleasant and easy.
It has to be light – We all have our own share of problems and tensions in our lives. We can always do with a lighter note, a pitch that tickles than pricks.
And last but not least – always respect your audience. In a try to make yourself look taller, we forget that we are in a way trying to make our customers look smaller. A customer will run to you if you make him/her feel great with you. Nobody likes to feel inadequate and helpless, even though we all may be exactly that in reality.
If you have interested visitors, you will have more website traffic, better pageranks and a good flow of leads who will believe you can surely help them. You are the warm, listening, understanding friend they have been talking to after all.